DHL (Heathrow Airport) Case Study
Sector: Prisons and high security sites
Equipment: Two Gobi G1200 and G3000 Food Waste Dryers
The backstory
DHL Supply Chain’s Flight Assembly Centre based in Colnbrook, Slough, deals with all the in-flight logistics – such as cleaning and re-stocking – for both international and domestic flights. This largely covers the provision of food to outgoing planes and removal of waste and unused foods from incoming aircraft.
The facility, which mostly handles British Airways flights, is securely enclosed and subject to airport security standards – which are monitored by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Forming part of DHL Supply Chain, DHL Envirosolutions is passionate about helping companies to achieve their environmental goals and leverage supply chain resources – reducing their environmental impact and boosting their bottom line and efficiency – so when they were looking for a solution for British Airways’ in-flight food waste, it had to be effective and sustainable.
The challenge
British Airways wanted to start processing its food and catering waste more sustainably, however, one of the main issues facing the sector is that Category 1 International Catering Waste (CAT 1 ICW) from non-EU flights is classed as a ‘high-risk’ hazardous waste – as it may contain animal by-products. As a result, this makes it a tricky – and costly – stream to dispose of.
The CAT 1 ICW, comprising uneaten foods and contaminated packaging, can only be processed by either incineration or deep landfill, as dictated by UK and EU law – both of which were expensive options, as well as being at the bottom of the waste hierarchy model. Moreover, both these methods also carried a large carbon footprint – associated with the off-site transportation and incineration of the waste.
DHL was therefore tasked by the major airline with finding a more environmentally friendly method of dealing with this organic material, which not only treated it at source, but that would also reduce carbon emissions and offer a more sustainable solution.
Five years prior to DHL Envirosolutions getting in touch with us about this, we’d previously provided the firm with two G1200 Gobi Food Waste Dryers – at the beginning of the 10-year contract with British Airways. These units had been successful in reducing the quantity of CAT 1 waste leaving the site for incineration and significantly reduced costs, but as flights increased and pressure to find a better solution was required, DHL enlisted us again, to help find an even better solution.